Amazon Selling

  1. What is selling on Amazon?

You can sell your products on Amazon and reach millions of buyers. Amazon handles the payment process, making connecting with a wide audience easier.

  1. Why should I sell on Amazon?

Amazon is a massive online marketplace, offering access to a vast customer base. Selling here provides a shortcut to fast growth, giving you immediate access to millions of buyers locally and globally.

  1. Do Amazon offer fraud protection?

Yes, Amazon provides fraud protection to sellers. They investigate cases where buyers raise claims on false grounds or wrongfully return a product.

  1. What is the A-to-z Guarantee program?

The A-to-z Guarantee program ensures that buyers receive products on time and in the promised condition. If issues arise, buyers are eligible for a refund or replacement, offering a level of trust in transactions.

  1. How do I open a new account?

Visit the website, follow on-screen instructions, and provide your name and email address to start the registration process.

  1. Where else can I learn about how selling on Amazon works?

Explore resources on or Many internet sites also offer free guidance on selling effectively on Amazon.

  1. How can I sell on the US, Canadian, and Mexican marketplaces?

To sell in these marketplaces, register as a seller on and join the Amazon Global Selling Program.

  1. How much does it cost to sell on

While registration and listing are free, charges are incurred when a product is sold. Amazon deducts fees for packing, courier, and its service, which vary across categories.

  1. What are the differences between Professional and Individual accounts?

Professional accounts involve a monthly fee but no per-item fee, suitable for high-volume sellers. Individual accounts do not have a monthly fee but charge per item sold.

  1. When do I start getting charged the monthly subscription fee?

The monthly subscription fee applies when you upgrade to a professional plan and complete the registration process.

  1. How do I manage my selling account?

Visit to manage your account, view your dashboard, and view your orders.

  1. How do I add inventory?

Log in, click on the inventory tab, and then click on “add a product.” Ensure your product details are accurate and that you follow the intuitive steps.

  1. How will I know when I have a sale?

You’ll receive alerts on your account, and Amazon may also notify you via email or SMS, allowing you to promptly pack and ship the sold items.

  1. How much does it cost to ship items I sell?

Shipping costs vary based on factors like item size, volume, distance, and category. Utilize Amazon’s online calculator on for accurate shipping cost estimates.

  1. What is the Buy Box?

The Buy Box appears when a buyer selects a product to purchase. It shows details and prices from different sellers, highlighting the featured seller’s offer.

  1. Can I offer gift-wrap and gift messaging services to my customers on

Yes, if you register as a professional seller, you can manage gift options, offering wrapping and messaging services to enhance the customer experience.

  1. Can I cancel my Professional selling account?

Yes, you can suspend or close your professional account temporarily or permanently, downgrading to an individual selling plan if needed.

  1. How can I close my account?

Visit the Amazon contact us page, click on “close your account,” and submit the request. You’ll receive email confirmation or reasons for any inability to close the account.

Amazon FBA

  1. Do I need to register Amazon as an additional place of business?

Mandatory for FBA program participants, especially for products subject to GST.

  1. What is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a program where sellers send their products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers, and Amazon takes care of storage, packing, and shipping when orders are placed.

  1. How does FBA work?

Sellers register for FBA, send products to Amazon’s warehouses, and when an order is received, Amazon handles the shipment directly to the buyer, ensuring faster and reliable delivery.

  1. What are the benefits of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)?

FBA provides a boost in sales due to faster delivery, increased buyer trust, and the backing of Amazon’s guarantee program. It also saves costs on warehousing and packing personnel.

  1. Where are your fulfillment centers?

Amazon has fulfillment centers located in various states, including Maharashtra, New Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Telangana, West Bengal, and Rajasthan.

  1. Can my FBA products be delivered to addresses outside of India?

No, Amazon India’s FBA program caters to deliveries within India and does not support shipping to addresses outside the country.

  1. What are the categories in which I can use FBA?

FBA is available for various categories, including beauty, books, electronics, home products, jewelry, mobile phones, and more. Check the eligibility of your products in specific categories.

  1. Do I need a list of a minimum number of items?

There is no specific minimum limit for listing items with FBA. You can list even a single item, and there is no upper limit on the number of items you can list.

  1. How can I participate in the FBA program?

Visit the site, click on the “contact us” link, and follow the instructions to express your interest in the FBA program. Once approved, register the fulfillment center as an additional place of business with GST.

  1. Do I have to sell on to use FBA?

To use FBA, you must sell through Amazon. It is not applicable for orders received directly through your website.

  1. What about my branding?

Amazon uses its packaging, but your name as the seller is displayed on the invoice and packing slip, preserving your brand identity.

  1. What are the charges for FBA?

FBA charges cover storage, exposure on, picking, packing, shipping costs, and customer service. These charges are in addition to regular Amazon fees.

  1. How will you bill me for Fulfillment by Amazon?

FBA fees are deducted from the gross payment received for the sale of a product, and the net amount is credited to the seller’s account.

  1. Do you use a minimum weight or the actual weight of products shipped using FBA?

The minimum chargeable weight is 500 grams, and Amazon uses the exact weight for shipping cost calculations.

  1. How can I manage my inventory in Amazon’s fulfillment centers?

Log into your seller account to manage inventory in fulfillment centers. If you wish to increase the number of items, inform Amazon and follow their instructions.

  1. Can someone manage delivery to Amazon’s fulfillment center?

Amazon designates couriers who will pack products at your store and then deliver them to fulfillment centers.

  1. Will my products be safe in Amazon’s fulfillment center?

Yes, Amazon maintains secure fulfillment centers with automated processes, security staff, and advanced tracking facilities to ensure the safety of your products.

Amazon Product

  1. What product and order information do you need from me?

Amazon may request details like product category, item specifics, package dimensions, weight, barcode, and item condition. Providing this information in the recommended format is crucial.

  1. Can I list my products in all Amazon categories?

According to Amazon policy, listing products in multiple categories may not be allowed. However, Amazon may make exceptions based on their evaluation.

  1. What type of products cannot be listed on

Amazon restricts certain products, including counterfeit items, banned brands, and offensive products. Refer to Amazon’s seller central for a detailed list of restricted products.

  1. How do I upload my listings on

You can use various methods, including the add product link on seller central for individual products or using Flat File Feeds for a larger number. API integration is also available for website and inventory management software.

  1. What product and order information do you need from me?

Sellers must provide essential information like product category, item details, package dimensions, weight, barcode, and item condition in the recommended format.

  1. Will my products be safe in Amazon’s fulfillment center?

Amazon ensures the safety of products in its fulfillment centers through secure processes, including automated pick, pack, and ship, security staff, and tracking facilities.

  1. Why do I need to label my product?

FBA sellers must label each item with product identifiers to ensure correct picking and tracking in fulfillment centers. Proper labeling also avoids returns at the seller’s cost.

  1. What is on a label?

The label includes details like the barcode, item description, and item condition, meeting Amazon Fulfillment Services’ product identifier requirements.

  1. Which units require labeling?

All items sold through FBA must be labeled by the seller to facilitate accurate tracking and fulfillment in Amazon’s centers.

  1. How do I print labels for my products?

Log into your seller account and use the information provided by Amazon to print labels, including product description and barcode.

Amazon Shipping

  1. How do I notify you of units I want to ship to you for fulfillment?

Log into your seller account, register the product type and quantity you want to send, create a shipment, ship the box, and mark the shipment as shipped.

  1. Can I arrange direct shipment of inventory to Amazon from overseas suppliers?

Yes, you can arrange direct delivery from overseas suppliers, but it is your responsibility to manage customs clearance, and Amazon won’t be listed as the consignee.

  1. How do I pack products for shipment to you?

FBA sellers must individually pack and label each item, then pack them into a single box for shipping to Amazon fulfillment centers. Shipping labels must be applied to each package.

  1. How do I prepare units for shipment to you?

FBA sellers must pack each item individually with bubble wrap and an outer box, placing these items into a strong box for shipment to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

  1. What are the charges for FBA?

FBA charges cover storage, exposure on, picking, packing, shipping, and customer service costs, in addition to regular Amazon fees.

  1. Can I arrange direct shipment of inventory to Amazon from overseas suppliers?

Yes, you can arrange direct delivery from overseas suppliers, but it is your responsibility to manage customs clearance, and Amazon won’t be listed as the consignee.

  1. Will Amazon compensate for any lost or damaged units?

Amazon will compensate for lost or damaged units in fulfillment centers due to Amazon’s faults, following the terms outlined in the business solutions agreement.

  1. How do I pack products for shipment to you?

FBA sellers are required to package and label each item individually, placing them in a single box for shipment to Amazon fulfillment centers. Shipping labels should be applied to each package.

  1. How do I prepare units for shipment to you?

FBA sellers must pack each item individually with bubble wrap and an outer box, placing these items into a strong box for shipment.